Tag: sexual issues

  • Porn Can Contribute to Erectile Dysfunction

    Porn Can Contribute to Erectile Dysfunction

    It’s the conclusion that many articles, websites, and recent conversations have come to: When young men deal with ED, pornography is sometimes the culprit. As a medical clinic, the question we ask is always the same: What do the facts say? Does science have the answer to the question “Can porn really cause erectile dysfunction?”…

  • Are Erectile Dysfunction Pills Right For Me?

    Are Erectile Dysfunction Pills Right For Me?

    Prescription pills, such as Cialis and Viagra, are among the most commonly used treatments for erectile dysfunction. How do pills like Viagra and Cialis work? Are these pills an effective long-term solution? Which pill, if any, is right for me? As a Men’s Health Clinic, we hear questions like these all the time. It is…

  • Yes, bike riding may cause erectile dysfunction and how to avoid it

    Yes, bike riding may cause erectile dysfunction and how to avoid it

    After 12 years riding the same bike seat, on average of 20 kms a day, George began to notice gradual erectile dysfunction issues in the past five years. “My first thought was that it was related to cycling.” He didn’t experience numbness, as a precursor, but instead, it just wasn’t working in the bedroom. His…

  • Since health is a fundamental human right, so sexual health must also be a basic human right

    Since health is a fundamental human right, so sexual health must also be a basic human right

    The World Health Organization defines sexual health The WHO defines sexual health as a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility…

  • Not in the mood? Do it anyway. It’s good for you.

    Not in the mood? Do it anyway. It’s good for you.

    How many times have these words “I’m not in the mood” stopped you and your partner from getting intimate? There are many reasons Canadian couples start having less sex, especially as relationships mature. This not only takes a toll on a relationship but can affect mood, sleep cycles, heart health and more. That’s why many…

  • How are Type 2 Diabetes, Testosterone Deficiency and Erectile Dysfunction Connected?

    How are Type 2 Diabetes, Testosterone Deficiency and Erectile Dysfunction Connected?

    Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a very common complication in men with diabetes mellitus (DM).  Diabetes causes changes to the endothelium and penile vascular system. What is less often acknowledged is that men with type 2 diabetes also have higher prevalence of testosterone deficiency. In fact, testosterone deficiency in men precedes the development of insulin resistance…

  • The One Surprising Question Your Doctor Never Asks But Should

    The One Surprising Question Your Doctor Never Asks But Should

    Men should talk to their doctors about their sexual health. It’s easy enough to say, but following this advice is often a challenge. Both men and their doctors can take steps to make it easier to connect on issues of sexual health.  For patients, this involves seeing a family doctor for regular checkups and being…

  • 8 Questions With FullMast’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ron Mayer

    8 Questions With FullMast’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ron Mayer

    1-Hello, Dr. Mayer. Thank you for sitting down with me today. Would you mind discussing the main issues that come up most often in your clinic? Well, primarily, men come into the FullMast clinic for erectile issues and questions about testosterone therapy. When a man comes into our office, and he’s around 45 years old…

  • What is the Main Cause of Erectile Dysfunction?

    What is the Main Cause of Erectile Dysfunction?

    What does it take for a man to have a good erection? This is a question that plagues many men who are trying to overcome sexual challenges. When I say a “good” erection, I mean an erection that is satisfying for both yourself and your partner. For many of our patients in Toronto, Vancouver, and other…

  • Physical reasons for erectile dysfunction

    Physical reasons for erectile dysfunction

      Here is a calculator that is based on data from the European Journal of Urology. Learn about other causes of erectile dysfunction.