Tag: erectile dysfunction therapy

  • Treat Erectile Dysfunction and Get Your Sex Life Back Into Orbit

    Treat Erectile Dysfunction and Get Your Sex Life Back Into Orbit

    “Liftoff, we have a liftoff,” that is the encouraging phrase in this radio spot we aired a few years ago. The ad starts with a countdown to launch the space shuttle. The successful rocket launch is a metaphor for beating erectile dysfunction (ED) with the help of SONICWAVE™ treatment that is available at Vancouver FullMast Men’s Health Clinics. SONICWAVE™ is a shockwave therapy…

  • Don’t Let Erectile Dysfunction Keep You From Loving

    Don’t Let Erectile Dysfunction Keep You From Loving

    FullMast has partnered up with Maclean’s Magazine to bring awareness to men’s health issues. This campaign will appear in print across Canada and at Maclean’s Magazine partnered conferences and events throughout the summer.

  • Treat Erectile Dysfunction and Get Your Sex Life Back Into Orbit

    Treat Erectile Dysfunction and Get Your Sex Life Back Into Orbit

    “Liftoff, we have a liftoff,” that is the encouraging phrase in our new radio spots that you can catch on Newstalk 1010 Radio in GTA and on Global News AM 640 in Toronto. The ad starts with a countdown to launch the space shuttle. The successful rocket launch is a metaphor for beating erectile dysfunction (ED) with the help of SONICWAVE treatment that…

  • Rescue Your Sex Life & Save The Relationship

    Rescue Your Sex Life & Save The Relationship

    FullMast doctors have a message for men across Canada: If you’re struggling to “get it up,” pick up the phone and call a specialist as soon as possible. “Erectile dysfunction” or “ED” is the term for a man who is having difficulty getting or keeping an erection. These issues can impact nearly every aspect of…

  • SONICWAVE Treatment Brings Happiness To Relationships

    SONICWAVE Treatment Brings Happiness To Relationships

    FullMast’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ron Mayer is a regular guest on Marilyn Wetston’s show “From a woman’s perspective”. Show airs on Zoomer Radio every Saturday and Dr. Mayer’s segment is on every second Saturday in a month. Tune in to listen to Dr. Mayer talk penis “tune up” with painless SONICWAVE™ treatment. The December episode featured Dr. Mayer…

  • Treating The Symptoms Versus The Cause Of Erectile Dysfunction

    Treating The Symptoms Versus The Cause Of Erectile Dysfunction

    FullMast’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ron Mayer is a regular guest on Marilyn Wetston’s show “From a woman’s perspective”. Show airs on Zoomer Radio every Saturday and Dr. Mayer’s segment is on every second Saturday in a month. Tune in to listen to Dr. Mayer talk penis “tune up” with painless SONICWAVE™ treatment. On the latest episode Dr. Mayer…

  • Full Evaluation Is Necessary In Determining Erectile Dysfunction Causes

    Full Evaluation Is Necessary In Determining Erectile Dysfunction Causes

    FullMast’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ron Mayer is a regular guest on Marilyn Wetston’s show “From a woman’s perspective”. Show airs on Zoomer Radio every Saturday and Dr. Mayer’s segment is on every second Saturday in a month. Tune in to listen to Dr. Mayer talk penis “tune up” with painless SONICWAVE™ treatment. In October’s episode Dr. Mayer talked…

  • Porn Can Contribute to Erectile Dysfunction

    Porn Can Contribute to Erectile Dysfunction

    It’s the conclusion that many articles, websites, and recent conversations have come to: When young men deal with ED, pornography is sometimes the culprit. As a medical clinic, the question we ask is always the same: What do the facts say? Does science have the answer to the question “Can porn really cause erectile dysfunction?”…

  • Are Erectile Dysfunction Pills Right For Me?

    Are Erectile Dysfunction Pills Right For Me?

    Prescription pills, such as Cialis and Viagra, are among the most commonly used treatments for erectile dysfunction. How do pills like Viagra and Cialis work? Are these pills an effective long-term solution? Which pill, if any, is right for me? As a Men’s Health Clinic, we hear questions like these all the time. It is…

  • Yes, bike riding may cause erectile dysfunction and how to avoid it

    Yes, bike riding may cause erectile dysfunction and how to avoid it

    After 12 years riding the same bike seat, on average of 20 kms a day, George began to notice gradual erectile dysfunction issues in the past five years. “My first thought was that it was related to cycling.” He didn’t experience numbness, as a precursor, but instead, it just wasn’t working in the bedroom. His…