Solve Erectile Dysfunction with Breakthrough Dual-action SONICWAVE

Erectile performance becomes compromised as men age. That is inevitable. The reasons are many and the solutions need to be tailored accordingly.

Erectile dysfunction is sometimes the result of diminished blood flow in the penis. This condition can be treated with shockwave which causes the blood vessels and nerves in and around the penis to regenerate.

At FullMast we use premium Swiss technology of two types: radial and focusedRadial works on the surface and focused on the deeper-lying tissues. We have been operating in Canada over seven years and have been refining these Dual-action SONICWAVE protocols. They are unique to FullMast and achieve breakthrough results.

Rekindling Love: Sexual Boost & Penis Enlargement

With passing time men often see their penis shrink and become concerned it is too small to provide satisfaction for their partner. Medicines and surgery are rarely justified. Other solutions including changes in sexual techniques and lifestyle along with SONICWAVE, which results in improved confidence and sexual performance. 

For men who can get an erection and do not suffer from erectile dysfunction but desire to boost their hardness and sensitivity should contact us about FullMast’s Sexual Boost protocol. It can increase satisfaction to rekindle passion and love.

FullMast Clinics Specialize in Men’s Sexual Revitalization

An active loving sex life contributes to overall health and happiness. The health system in Canada tends to overlook the significance of sexual fulfillment. At FullMast this is what we care about as well as attending to related health issues. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction we’ll look into the potential causes and recommend treatments.

We also treat premature ejaculation and Peyronie’s where the penis is bent and impeding sexual intercourse.

If you feel your sex life needs revitalization book an appointment to discuss the matter confidentially with one of our licensed medical doctors at one of our six clinics in the Greater Toronto and Niagara area. 

Meet our Licensed Medical Physicians

We care about your sexual fulfillment as well as your overall health. Erectile performance issues often go together with underlying health problems that might require treatment.

Family doctors who refer patients for treatment can use this form. You do not need to be referred by a doctor.

Please bring your health card to your first appointment.  

Why Choose FullMast?

  • Sexual Revitalization
  • Breakthrough Dual-action SONICWAVE
  • Scientifically Proven Technologies
  • Operated & Overseen by Licensed Medical Physicians
  • Discrete & Confidential