FullMast’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ron Mayer is a regular guest on Marilyn Wetston’s show “From a woman’s perspective”. Show airs on Zoomer Radio every Saturday and Dr. Mayer’s segment is on every second Saturday in a month. Tune in to listen to Dr. Mayer talk penis “tune up” with painless SONICWAVE™ treatment.
The December episode featured Dr. Mayer and his assistant and trained technician Michelle Tameanko. They discussed their experience meeting potential clients at the Zoomer show as well as SONICWAVE™ treatment. This is a form of shockwave therapy that treats erectile dysfunction by helping body to regenerate blood vessels in the penis. Both Dr. Mayer and Tameanko share happy stories of treated patients as well as those eager to test FullMast services.
You can listen to the whole show here.
For next FAWP featuring Dr. Mayer tune in on Saturday, December 9 at 8am on AM740, 96.7 FM Toronto, and Rogers 949.
About “From A Woman’s Perspective”

“From A Woman’s Perspective” is the weekly radio program featuring Marilyn Wetston (host and producer) and her special guests (Sponsor-Experts). It airs every Saturday morning at 8 on AM740, 96.7 FM Toronto, and Rogers 949.
Each week Marilyn explores fascinating topics relevant to ‘Zoomer’ women and men.
While Marilyn is known as “The Wardrobe Doctor” and owns the landmark Toronto store Marilyn’s in Toronto’s Fashion District, the show is not just about fashion.