Dr Mayer
Dr. Ron Mayer, FullMast’s Clinical Director

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does each visit take?

We aim to take less than 1 hour of your time for the initial consultation. When our physician is confident you will benefit from the therapy we can generally start the course of treatments immediately. Please book an appointment before you visit so we can attend to you promptly.

Subsequent treatments generally take less than 20 minutes.

We aim to avoid our clients having to sit in a reception area for treatment and schedule patients so they can be treated without waiting.

Does it hurt?

Most men do not find the treatment at all painful. FullMast employs breakthrough Dual-action SONICWAVE: Focused and radial. Focused waves can hardly be felt. 

Some patients feel the radial SONICWAVE is slightly painful in which case our therapist will apply a topical anaesthetic – or numbing cream – which eliminated the pain. Radial SONICWAVE can cause the penis to redden and swell. This goes away after a couple of hours.  

When I visit FullMast will I be given a medical check up?

Before the initial information and qualification session you will not be required to undergo a medical check up. Before treatment you will be asked to fill out health questionnaires online. Depending on your situation we’ll advise you about likely success rates. If you suffer from medical conditions that relate to our treatments you will be referred to one of our physicians or we’ll request you visit your family practitioner.

If you’re not experiencing from adverse medical conditions or require the FullMast Boost protocol a medical check up is not required.

Will I have to pay for the initial consult and medical check up?

The initial information and qualification session is free. Medical check ups for Ontario residents are free of charge and covered by OHIP.

Are you selling a specific drug, therapy or devices?

FullMast is a men’s health clinic that treats sexual health issues with the therapies that are best for the individual. We operate according to evidence-based and up-to-date medical protocols. We use Dual-action SONICWAVE to treat erectile dysfunction. In some cases we might recommend purchasing nutritional supplements or medical devices.

Do FullMast physicians prescribe testosterone?

We never prescribe testosterone as a general pick-me-up or to help bulking up in the gym.

However when levels of the hormone testosterone are unusually low it can result in a low sex drive, difficulty getting an erection, increased belly fat and overall feelings of tiredness. This can be treated by boosting levels of the hormone in the blood. The science relating to testosterone therapy has been advancing and when supervised by a qualified physician it is safe.

We ascertain the need for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with a blood test.

Has SONICWAVE™ been medically proven?

Yes. The technology has been evaluated in over 18 medical studies since 2010.

FullMast’s success rates are explained here:

Are injections necessary?

In nearly all cases Dual-action SONICWAVE does not require injections of any kind, including the PRP or the P-Shot. For more information on PRP treatments.

Is SONICWAVE™ available for residents of the United States?

At this point in time focused SONICWAVE™ and extracorporeal shock wave devices have not been approved for the treatment of erectile dysfunction by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration).

The contents of this website are not intended for U.S. citizens and focused shockwave therapy at this point is not openly available in the United States.

How much does the SONICWAVE™ treatment cost?

The initial information and qualification session is free. During the first visit the costs for SONICWAVE™ will be explained to customers who are eligible. The treatment can be paid for by Interac or credit card. Book an appointment and we will explain the costs.

Is the treatment confidential?

We treat all communications as private and the whole process discrete. It is necessary to book an appointment so you are not kept waiting.  All our clinics operate alongside other medical practices such as general practitioners and physiotherapists and therefore it is not apparent to others the reason for your visit.  When we talk to customers on the phone we will first verify their name and then announce ourselves as “The health clinic.”

Can I be treated at home?

No. SONICWAVE™ requires expensive, sophisticated equipment that is operated out of our clinics by trained therapists.

Is SONICWAVE™ covered by OHIP and other health plans?

The cost of SONICWAVE™ treatments is not covered by government health plans.

Private health insurers rarely cover this form of treatment. In some cases employees with health spending accounts are successful in claiming a reimbursement of a portion.

The initial information and qualification session is always free of charge.

Does Coronavirus and COVID-19 Contribute to Erectile Dysfunction?

Yes in some cases. We have received calls from men who have suffered from COVID or side effects from the jab and experience erectile issues as a result. More information is here.

Does SONICWAVE™ work after radical prostatectomy?

We have treated many patients who suffer from erectile dysfunction caused by prostate surgery and SONICWAVE has helped them recover.  A number of clinical studies have been published over the last few years that show that recovery of penile function is enhanced by these therapies. See further details about shockwave and prostatectomies here. The benefits take longer than usual to take hold – generally weeks or a few months after the course of treatments. As with all hospital treatments our physicians need to evaluate your specific situation and counsel you accordingly.

Where patients are experiencing urinary incontinence patients undergoing SONICWAVE treatment report improvements.

Does SONICWAVE™ work for erectile dysfunction associated with type 1 & 2 diabetes?

When we started FullMast clinics in 2015 we dissuaded patients with chronic and degenerating diabetes from undergoing SONICWAVE therapy because the scientific literature indicated the outcomes would be disappointing. Since that time some patients with diabetes have insisted on the treatment knowing the odds of success and we have been pleasantly surprised by the results. A number who were not responding to ED pills found that after treatment the pills would enable them to get an erection adequate for satisfying sex.

Should I discuss my erectile challenges with my partner?

We consider erectile challenges to be similar to other medical matters. If you tore a muscle you wouldn’t try to keep it a secret. Often partners interpret erectile challenges as being a reflection of their own sexiness, or because of unfaithfulness and they are relieved when the matter is just medical – and treatable.

Can I bring my partner to the FullMast clinic?

Yes, you are welcome – we encourage it.

Does FullMast cater to gay men?

Of course. Erectile challenges do not discriminate and nor do we.

How long does the cure work for?

There have been studies following patients for several years and the results remain positive. In many ways erectile challenges are similar to other overall health conditions. The results are better if you eat healthy foods, don’t overeat, don’t smoke and exercise regularly. The penis is like a muscle and muscles are stronger with regular use. Regular sexual activity including masturbation will help keep it healthy.

I take drugs like Viagra® and Cialis®. Is SONICWAVE™ suitable?

There have been studies following patients for several years and the results Yes. In some cases SONICWAVE™ will eliminate the need to continue taking drugs like these. It has also been shown to work where these medications do not work. And in some cases the therapies work well together.

Does FullMast utilize ultrasound doppler for diagnosis?

Doppler requires a sophisticated visual imaging device to be useful for diagnosing the causes of ED. And it needs to be conducted through a cycle of flaccid to erect to tumescence, which for a patient experiencing ED requires injections into the penis. If a diagnosis of blood flow issues issues is required we’ll refer the patient to a radiologist or urologist. The reason why ultrasound doppler for diagnosing ED at ED clinics is ineffective is explained here.

Does FullMast have protocols for penis enlargement?

Yes, call to find out more about our approach which is physical and works by stimulating the body’s natural growth capacities. We don’t employ surgery, injections or drugs. See here for more information about the costs of various penis enlargement approaches including surgery and FullMast’s protocols here or call for an appointment.