The complexities of erectile health

Erectile Health Contributes to Overall Good Health

Scientific studies* have shown that men’s ability to perform sexually is not merely a matter of recreation and vanity. Erectile health contributes to mental wellbeing, an ability to resist disease and longevity. This can be summed up as ‘Quality of Life’ according to the definition by The World Health Organization. *See 2014 study on renal transplant patients

Nor is this just a matter for adults in relationships. The health of those who are single, older, widowed, or divorced is also better when they are able to perform sexually. See this chapter on cancer survivors.

Does sexual intimacy become less important as men age? The answer varies with the individual but the sexual needs for many men do not diminish much over time. We often see men in their 80s who still have a sparkle in their eyes when they describe their sexual intimacies.

Too old for love? These couples prove otherwise.

Erectile Health is Complex Sometimes Indicating Underlying Health Matters

One’s ability to have and sustain an erection adequate for sexual intercourse is the result of many biological systems having to work well together. These systems are vascular, nervous, hormonal, psychological and relational.

Issues of erectile performance are rarely solved by simply popping a PDE5 pill. It is more prudent to ascertain the underlying causes and treat them appropriately. That is why at FullMast our patients see a licensed medical doctor who reviews a diagnostic inventory and customizes treatments accordingly.

Can Natural Supplements Help with Erectile Performance?

Above all other factors a balanced diet of nutritious foods and regular exercise are the best way to maintain overall health and hard erections. 

There is scientific evidence that certain nutritional supplements, suchs as vitamin D, magnesium, folic acid (vitamin B9) and L-citrulline play a role in the maintenance of erectile health. For more details see here for 5 ways to maintain a healthy penis. 

Synthetic chemicals in the “little blue pill,” that is PDE5 drugs, can stimulate erections however they have side effects and are only a short term solution.

What about natural supplements? While they have been looked down upon by Western medical practitioners, there are a few that have shown positive results in placebo-controlled double blind studies. The most promising ones are Icarin (“horny goat weed”), MACA, Tribulus and Panax ginseng. Read more about Natural Supplements here.  

Natural remedies for ED

Aspects of Erectile Health

Here is a list of concerns related to erectile health indicating which practitioners are best able to help, and whether or not FullMast Men’s Health Clinics are suitable.

Learn more about the clinics and therapists concerned with different aspects of men’s sexual health.

Sexually transmitted infectionsFamily doctor & local health clinics
Lack of energy associated with low testosteroneIf also associated with erectile dysfunction consult with a FullMast physician
Penis too small for satisfying sexPenis enlargement options (see more here)
Erectile dysfunctionArrange appointment at FullMast
Diminished erectile hardness & sensitivitySee here for Boost treatment. Book appointment at FullMast
Premature ejaculationArrange appointment at FullMast. See more here
Relationship & motivational issuesSeek relationship counselling. FullMast can provide referrals.
Peyronie’s (bent penis)Arrange appointment at FullMast to discuss options. See more about Peyronie’s

There are many aspects that contribute to erectile health. FullMast works in association with related healthcare and wellness practitioners including the following:

  • GPs and Family Practitioners
  • Urologists
  • Endocrinologists
  • Sex therapists & relationship counsellors 
  • Vasectomy clinics
  • Naturopaths
  • Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists
  • Metabolic Clinics
  • Diabetes specialists & neuropathy clinics
  • Weight Loss and Nutritional Counsellors
  • Sleep & apnea clinics 
  • Sports medicine and physiotherapy clinics
  • Cosmetic: body sculpting, cellulite reduction
  • Women’s Sexual Health Clinics

Here are links to practitioners by location across the Greater Toronto Area