How Do You Score on Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is defined as being unable to sustain an erect penis that is hard enough, for long enough time, for satisfying penetrative sex.

Health practitioners typically use the answers to 5 questions to quantify the degree of dysfunction. This is known as IIEF-5. The questions are as follows:

  1. How do you rate your confidence that you could get and keep an erection?
  2. When you had erections with sexual stimulation, how often were your erections hard enough for penetration?
  3. During sexual intercourse, how often were you able to maintain your erection after you had penetrated (entered) your partner?
  4. During sexual intercourse, how difficult was it to maintain your erection to completion of intercourse?
  5. When you attempted sexual intercourse, how often was it satisfactory for you?

Each answer is on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being low/never/difficult and 5 being high or always. Then the scores from each of the 5 questions are totalled. The level of erectile dysfunction is as follows:

  • 22-25: No erectile dysfunction
  • 17-21: Mild erectile dysfunction
  • 12-16: Mild to moderate erectile dysfunction
  • 8-11: Moderate erectile dysfunction
  • 5-7: Severe erectile dysfunction

More significant than the scores are the expectations of the couples engaging in sex. Some couples aspire to have a rock hard erection for sex that lasts for as long as they see on porn sites. Others are content with an erection that is just hard enough sustainable for a few minutes needed to achieve orgasm.

Is Erectile Dysfunction Reversible?

First of all we should answer this key question. In most cases the answer is “yes” it is common for men to regain enough performance for satisfying sexual intercourse well into old age. A caveat should be borne in mind that as men age they are unlikely to attain the same performance as when they were in the prime of their life.

Erectile dysfunction is more effectively treated early after it begins. Once it has become chronic the nerves and erectile tissues in the penis are less likely to regenerate.

Penis Hardness & Size

Sexual satisfaction is not only affected by the hardness of the penis but also by its size. Some men feel their penis is not large enough to provide satisfaction for their partner. Penis enlargement therapies are available but rarely justified.


As men age hardness diminishes which can effect sexual satisfaction, in which case SONICWAVE therapy can improve erectile performance.

How Common is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is more common than most people suppose. How common? Amongst younger men around 20% suffer from erectile dysfunction frequently and many more experience periodic problems.

As men age erectile dysfunction becomes more prevalent. Around 50% of men in their 50s experience ED. Then its 60% for 60 year olds; 70% for 70 year olds.

The reasons tend to vary with each age group. For younger men the reasons are predominantly psychological. Some of our patients report that over use of pornography impairs their ability to remain erect without its help.

Why Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Occurs?

The human reproductive apparatus is multi-system and complex. There are many potential causes of erectile dysfunction.

The two most common categories of erectile dysfunction are termed “psychogenic” and “vasculogenic.” Psychogenic reasons refer to psychological aspects including the nature of relationships. Vasculogenic causes are circulatory and the result of blood-flow through the erectile tissues becoming inadequate or the outflow excessive.

There are therapies for each of these types of erectile dysfunction. FullMast’s physicians are able to make the the appropriate diagnosis and recommend the optimal treatments.

There are associated conditions and risk factors including the following:

Type 2 Diabetes and Testosterone

When Should ED be Treated?

The short answer is that after the initial onset of ED the shorter the time before treatment is sought the higher the chances for successful treatment. Getting the problem treated early gives better results.

When the penis is never erect (flaccid), or fully erect, little blood reaches the erectile tissues. That means the tissues are not getting enough oxygen to remain healthy – to use the technical term they are “hypoxic” which over the long term causes the capillaries in the erectile tissues to be absorbed by the body. Blood flow to the erectile tissues is at a maximum when the penis is half erect (tumescent).

To maintain the penis in a healthy state, in addition to cardiovascular exercise, the penis should be tumescent at least once a day. Often when men wake up the penis is naturally tumescent. If necessary manually stimulate the penis for a minute or two in bed or in the shower.

With chronic ED that has persisted for many years the capillaries in the erectile tissues become more compromised and less likely to regrow. When this is the case our physicians can advise the patient on the degree to which SONICWAVE or other treatments are likely to be successful.

Solve Erectile Dysfunction with Breakthrough Dual-action SONICWAVE™

At FullMast we use premium Swiss technology of two types: radial and focused. Radial works on the surface and focused on the deeper-lying tissues. We have been operating in Canada over seven years and have been refining these Dual-action SONICWAVE protocols. They are unique to FullMast and achieve breakthrough results.

Unlike drugs SONICWAVE therapy is regenerative, using the body’s natural repair systems that works for the longer term.

No injections nor drugs are required.

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