Morning Sex Is Good For You – Science Shows
Lower blood pressure, decreased stress, and a boosted immune system – it’s hard to beat the health benefits of sex. Like most things that are good for your health, science says that intimacy in the morning can help you start the day off right. Just like a healthy breakfast or a refreshing morning jog, the…
Want More Action in the Bedroom? First Sleep Better
A proper night’s sleep is good for you. A healthy sex life is good for you. Basically, spending the right amount of time in bed, with quality sleep, can lead to a happier, more productive life. But do these two activities have any relationship with each other? Sleep Promotes Erectile Health. Love making and nap…
Make This One Change to Improve Your Sex Life
If you’re struggling to maintain your intimate life as your body ages, you’re not alone. Around half of Canadian men over 50 struggle with ED, and there seems to be no shortage of quick-fix solutions online. But recent research into physical well-being and performance challenges in men has shown that something other than pills can…