Health News & Advice

Why diet is so important for sexual performance

Diet and exercise are the starting point for overall health. They are particularly important for male sexual health because the capillaries in the penis are small and when the penis is not at least partly erect very little blood reaches them and they can shrink. This can quickly lead to erectile dysfunction.

Therefore, to keep the blood flowing through the penis so the tissues remain healthy, it is essential to eat healthy foods and engage in physical activity – and, by the way, sex counts as exercise.

FullMast Men’s Health Clinics treats erectile dysfunction using breakthrough SONICWAVE therapy that causes the blood vessels to regenerate. When you need help with your diet we recommend contacting The Toronto Metabolic Clinic. They run medically supervised ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting programs.

Health News & Advice

Meet Dr. Nora Ovtcharova and her medical colleagues

Dr. Nora ND is a cofounder and clinical director of Toronto Metabolic Clinic. She focuses on metabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity, and digestive health. Naturopathic doctors are particularly sensitive to the importance of lifestyle factors in the maintenance of good health. Dr. Nora believes in empowering people to make positive life-long impact on their health, always striving to address the root cause of illness, while honouring each individual’s unique and diverse experience.

Aside from the time spent in clinic, she keeps a life balance by staying outdoors biking, hiking, snowboarding, and travel.

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